8237394123 | 8668643557
| info@hand2handfinancial.com




Job Details

Business Development Executive
  • Become familiar with all of the goods and services that our organisation provides
  • Acquiring new customers through personal interactions, word-of-mouth, and cooperation with the marketing division.
  • Attending networking events to do research and make connections with potential customers.
  • Sustaining deep connections with current clients to secure their retention. suggesting improvements or new services that would be of interest to customers.
  • Creating contracts and business proposals to get more money from clients. negotiating with customers to obtain the best possible costs.
  • Giving employees the social and technical abilities they need to increase sales.
  • Reviewing customer comments and making the required adjustments. keeping up with consumer trends to make sure that our offerings are still relevant.

Sales Manager
  • By effectively leading the sales team, you may expand and meet your sales goals.
  • Create and carry out a comprehensive business plan to increase the company's clientele and ensure its presence.
  • Own sales representative hiring, goal-setting, mentoring, and performance evaluation.
  • Establish and maintain enduring relationships with customers by working together to understand their needs.
  • Report sales, revenue, and expenses to the executive team, along with reasonable estimates.
  • Being properly informed of new items and the state of competition can help you identify developing markets and market trends.

Candidate Details